When a man hits you, my darling
Don’t think about the money
You’re smart enough to make some on your own.
Don’t think about the love
Because what’s dead and cold is dead and cold
And there are more charming fish in the sea,
So don’t settle for a low-life sushi.
Don’t think about the house, your clothes, the washing and drying machines
Materials will not make a family.
But think about your children, my darling.
Think about them in the way that I so often forget to think about you
And Brother
Think about who they will grow up to be
Think about how they will view love
And relationships
Think about it
Think about what you’re teaching your daughter to bare if you stay
To let a man hit her
To control her
To make her feel like she’ll never have another
Think about it, my darling, think about how your daugter would feel
having to cover up the bruises.
Think about it
Think about what you’re teaching your son to do if you stay
To control his women by force
To allow himself to be so frustrated
So self contemptful
So scared that he would take it out on another person’s body
Think about it, my darling, think about what your son would do
to a girl who never learned to leave.
Think about their children, my darling
Can you bare to be just another branch of the tree
Who wouldn’t leave?
I am sorry, my darling,
That I could never lead by example
That I chose a man who acted like a two year old
Who threw tantrums without knowing his own strength
And always aimed for the head.
I am so sorry, my darling,
That I am just another branch on the tree,
But I hope
That you realize that you are strong enough
To be the root
Of those who know how to leave.