



We've decided to change the name of the blog from The Cult to The Dream Salesmen (because "Cult" makes us think of initiation rites and animal sacrifice and Kool-Aid). Make sure you change your bookmarks!



Well, this is awkward.

I suggested a few weeks ago to the other Cult members that we try implementing a schedule and see how it works out on the writing front. And so far, everybody else is doing an awesome job of it. Except me. The one who suggested the schedule in the first place. How embarrassing.

To make up for some lost posts, I'm starting a new multi-part story called Zero Island. You can catch it on Fridays and maybe some other days as well. Longer writing is pretty new for me, seeing how dreadfully my NaNoWriMo failed last year... let's hope I can commit to this. Happy reading!



Yes, Cult followers, the rumors are true: we're back!

We decided that we needed to post more or this blog was going to die, so we're implementing a schedule and sticking to it. For the curious out there, it's as follows:

Sunday: Espresso Stories
Monday: Christie
Tuesday: Lynn
Wednesday: Mark
Thursday: Julie
Friday: Patti
Saturday: Any other special, collaborative things we think of during the week... otherwise, tune back in on Sunday for Espresso Stories!

We're all pretty busy here, so sometimes a post might get lost in the ether and/or not written... bear with us, and we'll keep good writing flowing as best we can! Enjoy the more frequent updates!


This is Lynn.
So, we haven't uploaded anything in a while.
Reasons are various for the 4 other people who contribute to this blog (Mark, Christie, Patti, Juliana), so I cannot verify why they haven't uploaded anything.
[We're all in a kind of slump, I suppose.]
But I am personally in a love-slump, so that's my excuse.

We'll be back soon, though.
No worries, mister's and misses

Love, and a little something special on the side,


Hello Cult followers... and a special hello to those of you joining us from thehongfucious' tumblr!

I just set up an account with ad provider Project Wonderful today; hopefully within the next 4-5 business days, they'll look at our site and approve it for their ads. Then we can start advertising and donating the money to charity, as planned earlier. Hooray!



What is up, people.

This isn't Patti, btdubs. This is Lynn. Nice to [officially?] meet you all
Anyway. Uhm. The reason for this. Uhm.

I'm not sure. I just wanted to say hi to you all. I guess I kinda wanted to say hi to the people who ever read the 'news' section. Tell you all that we survived the new year. Awesome, amiright?

Uhm. I wonder if Patti will ever find out that I edited this. Hrm.


(PS: I just found this, 1.9.11... Guess I'm not one of those people who reads the news section! --Patti)


Hello Cult followers!

Several of us are participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), so posts might be few and far between in November (from me anyway, at least). Wish us luck!



Hello Cult followers!
Up to this point, The Cult has done a whole lot of talking about what we want to see changed, but very little actual difference-making. We'd really like to change that. We've started the process of searching for an ad service that will take us (looking back at some of Lynn's and Mark's notes, I'm not sure AdSense will be comfortable with some of our subject matter) and charities to which we'll donate the revenue. So if you see ads show up on the page sometime soon, please don't be offended. And if you know of any worthy, relevant charities we should choose or any easy-to-use ad service we should look into, please let us know!


PS: I know there are a lot of worthy causes out there, but the main ones we were thinking of supporting are those we've mentioned in our notes frequently-- bullying (especially homophobic), depression/suicide, abuse, eating disorders, and education for the underprivileged are the ones that come to mind. As much as I empathize with charities like Heifer International or Save Darfur, if you're going to suggest a charity, we'd prefer it was one related to those causes (although feel free to suggest others if you have one you really like-- no political or religious organizations, for-profits, or specific donation sites such as one school or community, please). We'll most likely split the money evenly between the causes, unless we come across a better idea.

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